الشفافية والتفاعل
ماذا تتوقع
هل أنت مدين؟ نحن نعتقد أن التعاون يوفر أفضل النتائج لك ولمورّدك. يمكن لـ IA أن تقدم لك خطط سداد مخصصة ومراقبة.
يرجى أخذ الحيطة والحذر عند التعامل مع طلبات الدفع إلى حسابات بنكية غير معروفة. قد تكون ضحية للقراصنة.
IA is contacting you as we have been entrusted by your supplier and/or the credit insurer to perform a full claim investigation. furthermore, we have been assigned to collect any outstanding payment.
By the time we reach out to you, we have completed an extensive document review and investigations regarding the claim. This process includes verifying our clients' claim, the receipt of goods, investigating your company and its background, including but not limited to its officers and assets. Our research guarantees a smooth settlement of our client's claims against you.
We ask you to keep all communications channels open and be transparent about your non-performance: share your situation with us and make an effort to look for a suitable solution. Be honest and open.
If you can’t settle your debt in one payment? Support our efforts to construct a proper and timely repayment plan, with guarantees, which we will monitor closely.
We enforce our clients’ claims through any available channel, always adhering to the local law. If necessary, we will start legal proceedings or arbitration.
We will enforce the claim without leniency through any available channel, and, if necessary, we will start legal proceedings or arbitration. Experience shows that it is complicated to circumvent legal enforcement. Moreover, your non-payment may jeopardize your credibility with credit insurers.
- IA respects your dignity.
- IA treats you honestly, fairly, and with integrity.
- IA adheres to the law.
- IA demonstrates respect for cultural and religious beliefs.
- IA reports bribery and corruption practices.
- IA does not accept cash payments.