ESG Policy
Environmental, Social and Governance Policy
IA Group B.V. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter jointly referred to as “IA”) are committed to a better future. IA aims to carry out its activities in a way that is environmental and socially responsible.
IA is committed to conduct its business in an environmental and socially responsible manner. IA encourages employees to actively participate in activities aimed related to IA’s environmental and social commitments. Whether it is picking up trash in the canals of Amsterdam or supporting hunger relief projects in Africa, IA supports its employees’ initiatives.
IA’s commitment to the Environment
IA attempts to carry out its activities with as little paper as possible. While somethings need to be printed and archived, IA encourages its employees to keep printing to a minimum.
Recycling is also important at IA. Waste should be divided following the local regulations guidelines.
IA’s Social commitment
IA is committed to ensuring that services are rendered with integrity. IA has a strong anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy that aims to encourage transparency.
Accountability is a part of IA’s corporate culture. Our values: Enthusiasm, Responsibility, Excellence and One Step Ahead inspire our employees’ when performing their activities.
IA strives to support its employees’ development and cares for their mental and physical wellbeing. Our offices are equipped with the necessary tools for our employees to work in a healthy environment. Moreover, IA adheres to the applicable labor laws of the jurisdictions where IA’s employees are based.
IA aims to achieve an equitable and inclusive culture by eliminating bias and discrimination in our practices and policies. Equity and inclusion are key at IA.
IA’s Governance
IA’s directors and all employees, including IA’s senior management, conduct themselves in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards. Through IA’s policies and guidelines, IA is deeply committed to ensuring a fair workspace, preventing unlawful discrimination and harassment.
IA is also mindful and respectful of the different laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where IA operates
IA is committed with compliance and IA is constantly working toward achieving this. IA has policies, guidelines and procedures applicable across the map. Through constant monitoring, training and adjusting course, when needed, IA’s dedication to compliance is a daily endeavor.
IA’s fundamentals
- Global standards and guidelines
- Diversity
- Transparency and accountability
- Inclusion
- Ethical leadership
- Business integrity
- Safety at work
- Employee wellbeing
- Safeguard data
IA is monitors the results of the policies and action in place. When necessary, such policies and actions are reevaluated and adjusted. Employees are trained and re-trained as needed.
Questions? Contact us
For more information you can contact us at or + 31 20 445 1 445.
This Environmental, Social and Governance Policy was last amended on February 2024. IA reserves the right to amend this Environmental, Social and Governance Policy. The most recent version of this Environmental, Social and Governance Policy will always be posted on our website.
- ESG Policy